
Legal statement

No guarantee and no liability
While Submarine Fittings makes every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot give any explicit or implicit warranty or guarantee for the accuracy and completeness of the information on this website, and we refuse any liability for the use of this website or any websites linked to this website. Submarine Fittings reserves the right to change this website at any time without prior notice, yet accepts no responsibility for updating it. As a user, you access and use this website, websites linked to this website and the content of such websites at your own risk. Neither Submarine Fittings nor any other party involved in the conceptual development, production or release of this website or any website linked to it shall be liable in any way for any direct, accidental, indirect or deliberate loss or damage which ensues as a result of your accessing or successful or unsuccessful use of this website or any other website connected to it by a link, or as a result of any error or omission in their content.


Links to third-party websites are offered on a goodwill basis. We cannot express any opinion about the content of third-party websites, and we expressly refuse any responsibility for any information given by third parties and any use of such information.


The underwaterparking website and all details contained therein or referred to with links are solely for information purposes. Any duplication, publication and other use are strictly prohibited. Requests for permission to reproduce information from this website should be addressed to the underwaterparking webmaster.